Imazing heic converter cnt
Imazing heic converter cnt

Title: NOT COMPATIBLE WITH IOS 14.5!!!!!!Īfter updating to Apple IOS 14.5 when trying to open the app I get a message that says, Open the App Store on your phone, click on Purchased and search "Password." Click on the icon and scroll down to Write a Review. She suggested everyone with the issue write a review. I contracted Apple Care, and they will contact the developer. The developer has a current password app called Password Manager - Safe Vault (free version and $5.99). Maybe Apple could write into iOS updates a list of software that would become incompatible before the update is installed? Then users can make sure they have a backup of their data. Pretty unacceptable that an update would brick software that's so mission critical without warning. Anyway, the free version worked for me, I'm thinking of buying it just to support the company for saving me the headache of resetting all of those passwords. I downloaded the iMazing software from their website rather than on CNet or other aggregators of software online, seemed less sketchy to me, plus, there are tutorials on their website. Once I had iPassword on my iphone 5 iMazing populated the password data from the backup I made from my iphone XS.

imazing heic converter cnt imazing heic converter cnt

I did have to go into my purchases in the App store with the old iphone 5 and download iPassword from there as it no longer shows up in the general app store list.


I downloaded the trial version of iMazing software which extracted the iPassword software/data which I was able to install on an old phone that I have. Checked with Apple which was a dead end, surfed the internet for solutions and finally came up with one that worked for me. I spent a day trying to recover my Ipassword data after the 14.5.1 update.

Imazing heic converter cnt